Company Profile

Michael Wu

Job Title:



Mr. Wu holds an MBA degree and an MCG degree from reputable universities in UK and US.


He is a fellow member of HKIOD, associate director of HK listed companies and senior executives of international financial institutions. Mr. Wu has extensive experience in financial investment and corporate finance.


Rucquoi-Berger John Timothy 

SFC License CE Number: ACW848

Job Title:

Executive Director of Creative Asset Management Ltd. 


B.A. (Honors) in International Economic Relations/China Area studies at State University of New York

Global Leadership Course Certificate from Harvard Business School



Director of Research in Shanghai Shenyin Securities (Hong Kong) Company from 1994 to 1996

Advisor to the Liaoning Provincial Government and later the Shenyang Municipal Government from 1996 to 2001 

Managing Director of Ajia Partners (China region) from 2001 to 2004

Managing Director/Co-owner of Natixis Private Equity Asia Limited from 2009 to 2015

Joined the Board of Directors of ARC Capital Holdings Limited from 2013 to 2015




2015 Gold Award of The Best Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Award